Kari Renee Lyons aka Kay Renee

My name is Kari Renee Lyons aka Kay Renee. I have been singing all of my life. I had my first major solo singing opportunity singing for a Convention Celebration when I was as young as 5 years old.  I come from a long line of singers beginning with my grandfather, grandmother, my father, aunts and uncles and my siblings. The singing continues with my daughter, nieces and nephews. We harmonize and find unique ways to sing Happy Birthday and other songs at family gatherings.  I love singing and have recorded with several choirs including national recording artist Anthony McGahee and Praise Motivated. I have also had the opportunity to sing with national recording artist Ricky Dillard as well as national recording artist Adrian Dunn.  I have been singing since elementary school and continued to sing in middle school and high school winning competitions and talent contests. I have also sang on recordings where I have done voice overs for local businesses needing a special sound. I sing at weddings, funerals and church services regularly, and I am so honored to be able to sing for you during this cruising time.  I just hope that my vocal talent will be one that tickles your ears with pleasure and touches your heart.


Stephon Raickett


Rev. Jeremy Lyons